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Everything posted by Biga

  1. OMG that is a beautiful boat, but I don't see a garage for the 1098 on it.
  2. I know and care about only the the first one on your list
  3. :PPhil = :angelbig
  4. Yes, specially about this subject.The real funny thing is that not even the site Admin is logged on.
  5. To be honest neither did I. lol That was left up to my wife, it funny how sleeping habits are identical to your families.Dominique gets Erik ready for bath around 1930, then bottle, bed time story with his favorite books(Mighty Machines)lol, than bed time 2000-2030.It's feels like we win when he sleeps a full night, I'm sure you guys feel the same about it
  6. I keep checking the site for fun and for a laugh, you have four member on while he has none.
  7. So, it has been a while since you ordered the book for helping you and your wife with Hailey Marie sleeping habits. Has it helped at all? or are you still going to work red eyed every morning?My son Erik has been doing well, but lately he is waking up at :scared 0400hrsfor no apparent reason, then starts to cry, until one us attends to him. AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!The spoiled brett is now in the city visiting my wife's parents, due to work I could not attend :P
  8. Then check the floor behind you LMAO
  9. Biga


    ^ They are regarded in the same category in this case
  10. Biga


    This is a good site, cause it's neutral ground, you can post up and not have to worry about smart remarks.And as far as how I found it, you posted it on the MM forum in your profile :beer1
  11. That site is going to get big time :wave later 1098.net :wave
  12. Biga


    Just imagine if Greg made it to this site, he would have 1000 post in a matter of days talking to himself
  13. Biga


    Ya it's all good, the logging on issue could be just me lol
  14. Biga


    R1Lover, you do know that this site has more member on it the 1098.netThat kills me LMAO
  15. Biga


    Alright, I finnaly got logged in, I swear it's harder to sign in here, then at Fort Knox LMAO
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