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Everything posted by Rhett

  1. Rhett

    Hailey Feb 06

  2. To do it by usergroups: stuff here
  3. If you want to have a link that is visible only to members you would use:
  4. redirect 301 /folder http://http://www.newsite.com/
  5. Here are some recent pictures of Jacob, he is up to about 6lbs 4oz now and is doing well other then a little fussyness with gas. He is still only sleeping a couple hours at a time, so the nights are still never long enough.
  6. We have changed the http://www.1098-forum to a new name of http://www.ducati-superbikes.com This was done to ensure growth moving forward as Ducati has been changing the name of their superbike the last few years, from 999, to 1098, and now the monster 1198. This has been a great new direction for the forum and the members all love it. If you haven't checked out the site, please do, it's the leading Ducati Superbike website out there and full of a bunch of great members and great information. http://www.ducati-superbikes.com
  7. lightbox test
  8. Video Testhttp://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoADkSuHT4U
  9. Just installed 3.8.0 Beta 4 on this test site, take a look and let me know if there are any issues.
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